MSD Ignition

MSD Ignition

  • An MSD ignition box under your hood contributes to the complete burning of all the air and fuel you supply your engine
  • No matter how good your intake, exhaust, and injection system is, if you don’t have an MSD ignition to light the mix it’s all going to waste
  • MSD spark plug wires can deliver all the high voltage sparks MSD is famous for without radio interference
  • You can add MSD ignition parts like caps and rotors to your HEI ignition and improve the spark without a full-bore MSD installation

MSD Ignition

Leave it to two missile engineers to create the best-selling performance ignition of all time, but that’s exactly what happened: You know their invention as the MSD ignition, which stands for multiple spark discharge. And the name says it all. An MSD ignition system is so effective because it allows for multiple sparks per combustion cycle, practically ensuring that the fuel/air mixture will be fully burned. We all know that the more complete combustion you get, the more power you produce, so that’s the formula by which MSD ignition products produce horsepower. MSD ignition works off a principle called “capacitive discharge,” the basics of which are produced in the famous MSD ignition box that is a part of most MSD ignition systems. But MSD ignition is about much more than just the capacitive discharge box. That’s because MSD ignition has become synonymous with high quality ignition parts of all types, including tune up parts, billet distributors, plug wires, coils, and magnetic trigger systems. Of course, MSD ignition parts work best when they’re combined with each other into a potent system, but MSD ignition parts can also be added piecemeal to an older points system in order to achieve modern results. For all your ignition needs, check first to see if there are MSD ignition parts available. You can save money over rebuilt or lesser quality parts and you always get increased power because of the increased spark delivered by your MSD ignition parts.

MSD Distributor Cap

It’s amazing that even on late-model cars and trucks, the distributor cap is still relied upon to provide accurate, complete spark energy to light off the fuel/air mixture (the exception being on the newest distributorless ignition systems, of course). Since the distributor cap remains such an essential component in your ignition, rely on a premium quality MSD distributor cap for your vehicle. Instead of using cheap plastics and aluminum terminals, an MSD distributor cap is constructed of alkyd resins that don’t conduct any electricity and resist carbon tracking and moisture condensation. The terminals on an MSD distributor cap are brass for the best possible conductivity, and terminal gaps are precisely located on the MSD distributor cap to reduce spark scatter. Thick bases and molded vanes, along with dual hold-down mechanisms, are employed on every MSD distributor cap to ensure firm, accurate seating on the distributor base. Want more? Step up to a Pro-Cap MSD distributor cap. The Pro-Cap MSD distributor cap uses a special Rynite resin in its construction that provides maximum strength and heat resistance for even better durability. So, even if you aren’t running any other MSD components, an MSD distributor cap can give you a hotter, more accurate spark, and that’s one giant leap towards more horsepower and better reliability from your ignition system.

MSD Spark Plug Wires

Made to the same exacting tolerances as everything MSD supplies, MSD spark plug wires deliver the juice in a big way. MSD spark plug wires are designed with two goals in mind: Optimum power transfer and minimum RF interference. The two goals are frequently mutually exclusive, but MSD spark plug wires utilize new technological breakthroughs in spiral-core wire design to provide the lowest resistance possible while still maintaining excellent RF shielding. Super Conductor MSD spark plug wires have the lowest resistance of any wire of their kind (non solid-core street wire), but they have the RF shielding of a wire with 30 times their resistance! To give you an example of how tightly wound the coils are in these MSD spark plug wires, MSD claims that each foot of wire contains 40 feet of wound copper—that’s a lot of winding. For those of you on a tighter budget, try Heli-Core MSD spark plug wires. These MSD spark plug wires feature a lot of the same technologies found in Super Conductor wires but built into more affordable MSD spark plug wires. All MSD spark plug wires are available in custom sets for most popular applications, with universal sets and bulk wire also available. Give your spark plugs a special delivery of high voltage the best way you know how: Install MSD spark plug wires on your car, truck, van, or SUV and see horsepower and fuel economy improvements.



Iceman Intakes

Iceman Intakes

  • One of the first and still one of the best, Iceman intakes put years of experience into each cold air intake
  • Far from cheap, the plastic materials used in Iceman intakes offer high strength and exceptional thermal isolation
  • By using molded plastic tubing, Iceman intakes can take the most efficient shape possible, producing more power for you
  • Aluminum intake tubes transmit heat to the intake charge—not what you want from a cold air intake, and not what you get with a thermoplastic Iceman intake

Iceman Intakes

Plastic can sometimes be perceived as cheap, and sometimes that perception is correct. But other times, like in the case of Iceman intakes, plastic is the smart material to use. Iceman intakes are dedicated to delivering the coolest intake air to your plenum possible. With that goal in mind, the engineers at Iceman intakes tried hundreds of different materials and combinations of materials when designing their intake duct. What they discovered is that plastic has the best combination of thermal isolation and formability of any product they tried. Since Iceman intakes were designed to be the best, the best material for the job was chosen: plastic. Of course, since your intake duct is exposed to high heat and a ton of nasty chemicals, Iceman intakes aren’t just made out of melted-down milk jugs. Iceman intakes are produced from a thick, high strength thermoplastic material that is incredibly durable and won’t chip or break, even in extreme conditions. The formability of the plastic also means that Iceman intakes can be produced in shapes that metal intakes can’t recreate: In other words, Iceman intakes have the shape needed for the best torque production, not the shape dictated by the limits of the material. Get the picture now? Iceman intakes give you more high-velocity air at a lower temperature, so cool things off with Iceman intakes.

Iceman Cold Air Intake

When a market becomes saturated with competitors, sometimes it helps to go back to the first products on the market to find out what all the fuss was originally about. That’s the case with the cold air intake market, which is why we went back and revisited the Iceman cold air intake, one of the original sport compact performance products. The Iceman cold air intake has long been a proponent of using plastic in its intake ducts for two simple reasons: Plastic insulates the incoming air from heat better, and it can be formed into more effective shapes. Those are two pretty good reasons, which is why every Iceman cold air intake is formed from heavy-duty thermoplastics. Each Iceman cold air intake is also designed to take full advantage of nooks and crannies in your engine compartment to deliver the coolest air possible. And, while horsepower is improved too, the Iceman cold air intake is designed for peak torque production since that’s where the fun really begins. And if you can keep your foot out of the throttle, you’ll actually see an improvement in fuel economy too. Finally, your Iceman cold air intake is easy to install, bolting on in under two hours in many cases thanks to the complete hardware kit and full instructions. So before you spend your hard-earned cash on an intake that’s all show and no go, be sure to check out the original sport compact power booster: The Iceman cold air intake is better than ever.

Iceman Air Intake

For carrying something as complex as your vehicle’s intake air flow, you don’t want just a simple pipe. Intake air goes through a series of changes as it’s drawn into your engine, which is why every Iceman air intake looks different, and in some cases kind of strange. The Iceman air intake is designed to manage airflow, not just direct it to a throttle body via an aluminum tube like the competition does. Heck, how much effort does it take to design a round L-shaped tube? The Iceman air intake has bulges and curves in its design in order to take advantage of pressure waves and interactions within the intake tract. In effect, the Iceman air intake acts as a miniature unpowered supercharger, using the physical properties of the air itself to cause a type of forced induction. Pretty neat, huh? Every Iceman air intake is also made out of a thermoplastic material, not because it’s cheaper to use (it’s not) but because it insulates the incoming air from engine heat better than any other material the company tried. You’re investing in a cold air intake, so why would you heat the air as it passes through the duct? When you use an Iceman air intake, that won’t happen. So remember this: If you want a cute aluminum cold air intake, you’ve got a lot of cookie-cutter designs to choose from. But if you want neck-snapping torque, you only have one choice: The Iceman air intake.